Monday, August 9, 2010

Autobiography of a Butterfly

I have gorgeous and colorful wings & you can usually find me in lush green gardens & bushes. Now can you guess who am I? Well, your guess is as good as mine- I am a butterfly having a spellbinding evolution, in comparison to boring, mediocre lifestyle of you human beings. Now, I am sure that you would be dying of curiosity to hear my fascinating life story.
I flutter around on a warm, sunny day in gardens, happily rubbing off my colorful wings & imprinting the vibrant colors on whoever catches hold of me. To start with, I was an innocent caterpillar hiding in a warm cocoon safely & than transforming into a gorgeous butterfly. I was born from a little yellow egg nestled on a huge leaf. After caring & feeding me in the initial stage of my life, my mother left me to search for the food & I started getting used to be independent. Once, I was playing with my other cousins & siblings, when our enemy- a huge eagle swooped down to prey on us, and we all quickly crouched in a dark corner, waiting for him to fly away. I stopped dead in my tracks, hardly daring to breathe also. I was most relieved when the big bird went away & again all of us were as merry as a cricket. Like this after few days passed by, it was time for me to take a long rest in my cocoon. After few months, when the cocoon opened, you could not believe what I had transformed into, out I came as a marvelous, enchanting butterfly. I was one in million – The Monarch Butterfly .One warm day , when I was proudly gliding across in the park , sudden stark white light hit me in my face, which later I came to know was a camera flash , as tourists were trying to click pictures. After a few days I noticed that all my friends were green with envy, as my picture was put up in an exhibition. Oh! I was as cheerful as a lark.
This is my routine, enjoying the warmth of the sun & making the most of it during the warm, sunny days & during the wet spell, hiding in the bushes & recuperating.
So I do not know what the future has in store for me, whether ours will be EXTINCT OR ENDANGERED species, but right now I am living in present & with full faith in my creator , that whatever happens , it will be for our own good.

Netra Sanghvi (Maneckji Cooper 9 yrs)