Vocab Wizards Level-3 exam paper
Marks- 100 time-2 hours 30 mins
Note- 1) read the
question paper ENTIRELY before starting to solve it. You will get 15 minutes
for this task. All doubts and queries will be resolved in these 15 minutes.
2) All fill-in-the
blanks and give one word for questions have to be answered in your question
paper in the space provided.
3) Your essay is
evaluated on 5 important factors. (Dialogue- 2m, Background- 3m, Content- 5m,
Vocabulary- 5m, style- 5m). Use this information wisely.
4) Layout is
compulsory in essay.
5) Good luck.
Question 1-
Composition (20)
Write a composition on ANY ONE topic from the choices given
Reality shows have a poor influence on the youth today.
Write a composition for or against this topic citing appropriate examples where
Continue the story: I was stopped by a policeman. He looked
at me suspiciously and asked, “What are you running from?” Panting, I replied…
Every child today thinks that museums are boring. Write a
composition on how you would reinforce the idea and excitement of visiting a
museum. Also state how a museum can be made child-friendly.
Book reading, particularly, among the children
is a lost habit. Why is it so? How can the reading habit be improved? Discuss
with relevant examples.
Picture composition

Question 2-
Letter Writing. Write on ANY ONE topic (10)
You are the Secretary of the School Arts Club. Write a
letter to of your District Collector requesting him/her to inaugurate a
Painting Exhibition to be held in your school next week.
You attended a party when you were away on a vacation. On
your return, your friends are eager to know how you spent your holidays. Tell
them about someone you met at the party who appeared strange to you, bringing
out his unusual characteristics and his odd personal appearance.
Question 3-
Comprehension (25)
Read the following extract and answer the questions that
Martin Luther King, one of the greatest men ever to walk on this
earth, started the defence force with which the American Blacks got their
rights and gained freedom from the distressing racial discrimination.
Martin was born on January 15, 1929. His family lived on the
outskirts of Atlanta. The fact that he could not play with White children, or that
he had to offer a seat in the bus to a White, disturbed him. When he was eight
years old, his father a Baptist pastor, told the family a sad story: Bessie
Smith, a great singer, met with an accident. An ambulance rushed her to the
nearest hospital, but she was not admitted because she was a Black. The
ambulance took her from one hospital to another, but she could not find a place
for herself because these hospitals were only for the Whites. She died for want
of blood. From that day, Martin Luther King dreamt of becoming a liberator of
the Blacks.
King completed his studies at More House College, and then
earned a doctor's degree in theology at Boston University. In 1955, King
married Alabama Soprano Coretta Scott. That very year he became a pastor and preached
his first sermon in the Baptist Church of Atlanta. As a young man, he was
greatly impressed by Mahatma Gandhi's success in the political field and the
power of ahimsa. King decided to follow the path of non-violence and get
millions of Blacks their due. He felt that the Blacks had immensely contributed
towards the building of America, and there was no reason why they should not be
treated with respect. King drew national attention in 1956. Since the Blacks
were not permitted to sit in the same buses as the Whites, he led a boycott of
public buses in Montgomery. A year later, after many arrests and threats, the
US Supreme Court gave a ruling that racial segregation of public transport was
unlawful. This victory taught the Blacks the power of non-violence. After 1957,
King began visiting various places to deliver lectures. Soon he became a
powerful orator, drawing the attention of people the world over.
King continued the fight, a peaceful fight, demanding the rights
of the Blacks. In 1964, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1967, King led
many peaceful demonstrations against the Vietnam War and in 1968 he declared a
Poor People s Campaign on April 4 of that very year, while planning a
demonstration of striking sanitation workers, he was shot dead by an assassin.
(421 words)
a) Give the meaning of: (2)
1. segregation
2. campaign
b) Answer the following briefly:
1. Who was Martin Luther King? (2)
2. What inspired King to dream of becoming the liberator of
American Blacks? (4)
3. What taught the Blacks the power of non-violence? (2)
4. How did King die? (2)
5. What Nobel Prize was he awarded? In what year and why? (3)
c) Write a brief summary of about 60 words about Martin Luther
King's struggle for the American Blacks. (8)
d) Give a suitable title to the summary and justify the choice
of the title. (2)
Question 4- make
sentences with the following basic vocabulary words (5)
- ecstatic
- legs turned to jelly
- left gaping with wonder
- dejected
- outraged
Question 5- Match
the column (5)
Question 6- make
sentences with the following laugh and cry words (5)
- Chuckled
- Sobbed
- Peals of laughter
- Shed tears
- Wail
Question 7- give
any 2 words for each of the following categories of sounds (5)
- animal sounds
- musical instruments
- to talk
- loud noise
- soft noise
Question 8- make
sentences with the following nervous and excited words (5)
- apprehensive
- enthusiastic
- on the edge of my seat
- anxious
- charged up
Question 9- write
the taste word that is best suited to the following eatables (5)
- tomato ketchup-
- mango-
- 2 month old apples-
- green pineapple
- pasta
options- yummy, tangy, unripe, spoiled, succulent
Question 10- make
sentences with the following nice and bad words (5)
- dreadful
- radiant
- lousy
- exceptional
- gracious
Q11 AND Q12
Question 11- From
the 4 sensory descriptions (sight, smell, sound and taste), pick any TWO senses
and write 5 appropriate description points for the same. (10)
Question 12-
Make sentences (5)
Give one word for:
wrinkle brow in displeasure
when one feels shy or embarrassed
when irritated
express pain or disgust
move head in agreement
Options – grimace, irked, frown, nodding, blushing.
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