Monday, May 23, 2011

Autobiography of a pressure cooker

I am a fuel saving device. I am a very helpful instrument. I make a shrill noise like Whoo! Whoo! Guess who am I? I am a pressure cooker. Life has been full of joyful and bitter experiences. I now spend time recalling the journey of my life.

I was born in the great pressure cooker factor of ‘Prestige’. I was coated with a shiny metal called Teflon. After being polished, I glowed like the sun. I was golden in color. I had a brown handle and I whistled when something was steaming inside me. I was a multi purpose cooking instrument as I could bake cake and steam rice, vegetables and pulses. I was packed and dispatched to the ‘Prestige store’. One day, a professor of an engineering college came to the showroom. I was on seventh heaven when he decided to purchase me.
I made friends with the saucepan and a charming kettle with a ferocious dragon design on it. As I was brand new, the servant washed me very carefully with expensive soap. When my mistress cooked food in me, her cooking was praised. I felt extremely proud. One day, my mistress hired the cook. She was very reckless. She threw me around here and there. My lid became dented and my whistle broke. I was then sent to a scrap dealer. The scrap dealer peeled off my golden covering and repaired my whistle.

Unfortunately, I had lost my appeal and was sent to a melting factory where I was to be melted and formed into another useful device. I hope a brighter future awaits me.

Yug Choksi
5th std CNMS

An autobiography of a monkey

An autobiography of a monkey

I am a monkey. I was born in a big jungle in India. I have a big, long, furry tail. I resemble a man but I have a long tail and four arms.

I like climbing trees and swinging from one tree to another. I climb trees and pluck out ripe fruits to eat. One day when I was looking for some fruits to eat, a hunter came and captured me. He put me in a cage. The cage was loaded on a truck and I was sent off to a zoo. It was a long journey and the cage was very dark. Thinking about my future, a shiver ran down my spine. I wondered what was going to become of me. Soon the truck stopped and I was put in a bigger glass display cage. I was downcast. I was so far from home. I missed my brothers and sisters terrible. In the zoo, rude little children ogled at me and pulled my tail. Sometimes they also made faces at me.
After a few days, I adapted to the new environment in the zoo. Things became easier when I made a few friends like the zebra, lions and the hippopotamus. A lot of people took pictures of me. One day, a very mischievous boy came to my cage and pulled my tail. I became furious and bit his hand. The boy started crying. The zoo authorities then decided to release me into the wild.
Some days later, I was reunited with my family. I was on cloud nine.

Rohan Joshi
4th std JNS

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A fond farewell to the 10th Std.

Anmol Mehta JNS Head boy leads the celebration

Standard 10th- a stepping stone to college. A year of expectations and anxieties. A year of continues advice to be digested with loads of studies.
To de-stress the standard tenth batch of students before the boards Tejal Mehta's creative writing classes held a small farewell at 'Temptations' which gave the children a chance to unwind and cherish the moments of togetherness before the grand finale.

Reading Club Activities

Colorful and lively artwork comes to life as the children make posters for chocolate wafers as a reading club activity

Friday, April 29, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Reading Club

Summer Vacations- time to have fun and get bored. To drive away the boredom blues Tejal’s Creative Writing Classes conducted a Reading Club. The idea was to create a reading habit amongst the children so that they don’t wile away their leisure in front of the idiot box. Everyday a new author was introduced like Elizabeth Dami, Judy Blume, E. B. White, Rick Riordan, Jeff Kinney and Richmal Crompton. After reading an excerpt from books like Geronimo Stilton, Fudge-A-Mania, Just William and Percy Jackson; the children were given a chance to don their acting hats and showcase their acting skills. They became the characters of the book and expressed its feelings perfectly!

This hilarious session was followed by worksheets, creating posters and playing games.

The last session had a 10 minute prize distribution where the child who garnered the most points was awarded and the others received consolation prizes so everyone was a winner.

It was a 1st attempt at a Reading Club by Tejal Mehta’s Creative Writing Classes. It was a pleasant surprise that the children and we too thoroughly had a blast conducting it!

Live Action straight from Fudge-a-mania!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Journey in an overcrowded bus

“Please stop pushing!” I cried out loudly. I was very annoyed and irritated by the overcrowded bus. Everyone was nudging and pushing.
It was a Saturday morning and I was busy dozing. My mother suddenly woke me up and asked me to deliver some important documents to my father’s office as he had forgotten them.
In a drowsy mood, I was ready to leave. My mother even informed me that there was an autorickshaw strike and I had to travel by bus. I was infuriated. I left and walked towards the bus stop which was very crowded. As the bus arrived, I struggled to climb onto it as it was overcrowded. We were cramped like sardines in a box. I somehow managed to get aboard. It was sweltering hot and I began perspiring. Everyone squeezed and squashed me like a bug. I was holding the documents very tightly as they were slipping away from my clammy hands. I was hoping to find a seat to sit in. I saw a vacant seat up front. When I went to sit on it, a fat lady pushed me and sat in the seat. I was outraged. I kept glaring at her. Soon my destination arrived. I squeezed myself among the commuters to go to the exit and alighted from the bus. My father was standing at the office door. I quickly ran to him and gave him the documents.
He appreciated my effort and gave me money to buy my favorite confectionary for doing the task. I thanked him and ran to the closest sweet shop.

Rescuing an animal

Rescuing an animal

“Someone please rescue that little dog!” I screamed out loudly. I was horrified. What would happen now?
Flood is a common feature in India. Floods occur due to poor infrastructure and the inability if the government to tackle such a situation. Many people are rendered homeless as well as lose their lives. Last Sunday, Surat was hit by a flood. The hundred year old dam had broken and due to torrential rains, it overflowed and thus caused floods. As a part of my school’s social club, with some fellow students, I decided to be a part of the rescue team in Surat.
When we reached Surat, my heart sank. The people had asked for a good rainfall for a good harvest but it seemed that the rains had honored their blessings just a tad bit too much. Trees were uprooted and cars were damaged. Corpses and carcasses of animals were floating in the water. Water lashed against the compound walls. Surat looked like an island in a vast ocean. The river was in spate and there was respite for the people when the cloud burst in all its fury and it started pouring cats and dogs. My heart was in my mouth.
Suddenly my eyes fell on a dog caught in the debris of a house. His legs were entangled in some wires and he was barking furiously. He was trying hard to break free but it was all in vain. He looked sick. Our stomachs churned in grief and agony when we saw the condition of that poor dog. After a few minutes, we decided to rescue it. We slowly crept towards it so as to not frighten it. We started the task of rescuing that dog. We carefully disentangled his leg from the wires. We cautiously cleared its surrounding and rescued it. I shriveled in bitterness when I saw its state. My friends quickly put some ointment around his leg and bandaged him. We gave some food to it. It then started wagging its tail and licking our hands. We were all on cloud nine.
After three hours of this devastating tragedy, the paramedics, military arrived. They started helping the people and came to their aid. The mishap was settled after a long wait of five hours. We went home and I told mum about the condition of Surat and how my friends helped rescue the dog. I felt glad after doing this good deed. I hoped that dog would be well and good.

(Ria Nisar. Monday 2:30)


The floods
“Oh my goodness! See the havoc! The carcasses are floating,” I said when the great floods had arrived in the village of Rampur.
Monsoon is both a bane and a boon to us. It had settled a bit so children played in water and were affected by the diseases like plague, malaria and jaundice. Now, I will tell you about the incident related to the floods at Rampur.
We had gone for an educational trip to Rampur, through our Nature Club to help poor people, who had to fight against the fierce floods. Crops were destroyed by the torrential rain. I was the leader of our team. We sat in a canoe and cleaned up the places. Suddenly, my sister shouted, “I saw a carcass floating in the water!”
Houses had collapsed and huts were submerged under water. Food packets were thrown by army men through helicopters. Water seeped into homes. Men and women were clinging onto trees. Helpless victims raised their cries for help. Powerful waves washed away mud huts. People were rendered homeless. Diseases broke out. We boarded a helicopter and the village looked like an island from up above. Trees were uprooted and were carried away by the forceful water. Many houses were destroyed. The river was causing havoc when the river was in spate. The rain stopped slowly and steadily. People were in great distress due to the loss of our near and dear ones.
I did not like what the floods had done. I prayed that this natural calamity should never be caused again.

-Yug Choksi (Wednesday 9:15)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Rainy Day

A rainy day

One fine day I woke up late as it was a Sunday. I got ready and had my breakfast. It was time to go to school.
Suddenly, I heard claps of thunder. I ran to the balcony. The dark clouds sailing in the sky were a sight to admire. The flashes of lightning dazzled my eyes. It suddenly started to rain. I asked my mom if I could go to play with my friends. My mom said yes. Before my mom said no, I grabbed my raincoat and called my friends and went down to play. People were running for shelter. We were jumping in the muddy puddles. Suddenly a noise was heard ‘thud!’ we went near the gate to see what it was. We saw a motorbike skidding because of the slippery roads. It rained more heavily. The trees sighed as the strong winds passed through them. We were playing and playing till at last we were drenched to the skin completely. We went home took a hot water bath. Then it stopped raining. We decided to go on a picnic. we sat in the car and dad drove. Suddenly he stopped the car near a meadow and asked us to get down. We got down and far behind the meadow there was a grassy garden. We sat there. It was drizzling. A beautiful bright blue peacock was dancing in the brilliant crystal drizzling rain and green slimy frogs were croaking in the sparkling mossy, lily ponds. As the sky burst in all its fury, we decided to leave and go home. It started pouring cats and dogs. The shining green leaves were gorgeous. The vehicles moved at a snail’s pace. It was flooded everywhere and people were wading through the knee-deep water.
It was a wonderful day filled with lots of fun. It was unforgettable. I would always remember today.

-Niva Shah
(USS-6th std. Wednesday 2:45)

the night i read a ghost story

The night I read a ghost story

One night after dinner, I bade good bye to my parents as they were going out. I sat on my bed with the book called ‘The Zombie Zone’.
While I was reading the book I felt as if I myself was in the story. I was petrified and was shivering with fear. Suddenly the light flickered off. I saw something whitish. Beads of sweat formed on my brow. I courageously went and switched on the light. I saw that it was my shining white book. All of a sudden the door slammed shut. I was horrified. The weird sounds of the night were enough to make my heart jump into my mouth. I took a deep breath and went to my hall to check what was making the noises. I saw that the door slammed shut because of the wind. However, I sensed some movements as I saw the keyhole which started to turn around on its own. I was shaking from head to toe. It opened with a sudden jerk and at the doorway stood… mom and dad!
I heaved a sigh of relief. I went and hugged my parents and told them what happened when they were not here. They made me understand that I should not feel frightened of anything. I should face my fears with confidence and courage. Since then I have never touched a ghost story.

-Niva Shah
(USS-6th std. Wednesday 2:45)

Monday, March 14, 2011


Once upon a time there lived a boy called peter. He loved sailing. He was a kid. His father was a sailor and so were his forefathers....
Once he kept a get-together in his ship as he had gained lots of profit. They all enjoyed the party like little kids .Soon the party got over but one of his friend stayed
After every one was gone they started chatting .They almost had the same interest but the Peter's friend was jealous of him. He asked him where did his family members die.
They died at the his granfather's ship drowned because of bad climate His father was the salior of TITANIC and his mother came along with him he replied

His friend thought a bit. He advised him not to go to the sea The sailor started to think He was a bit dissapointed . He loved sailing But just then a thought popped in his mind .
May be his friend was jealous of him

So he asked his friend smartly "leave that but where did your family die? In a ship or in water or by an accident . How did they die?"

The friend replied " nothing like t-t-hat they d-d-ied in bed !"he said
"why are you stammering>" the sailor asked. He replied that he was scared of saying that and That is why he was stammering

So the sailor said "if my relatives died at sea and you are advising me not to go to sea, then i'd adcise you not to go to bed if your relatives died in bed". "But how can I can i live without sleeping? The sailor asked. "The same way as you cannot live without sleeping I cannot live without sailing." The friend understood his mistake and promised that he would never do that again

MONDAY 4 -5:30 PM


I just finished my 3rd term exams and my summer vacation started. I was very elated that my exams had just got over. I promised my family to go to Juhu beach because it had been many weeks i had gome to the beach. I was eager to go to the big juhu beach. As I went inside, WOW!!!! beautiful beach.

I started to make sand castles. The beach was fantastic. There was the shimmering blue Atlantic ocean. People were wearing beautiful colourful swimming costumes. The golden sand was stretching endlessly. I was getting bored making sand castles so I asked my parents if we could go for a walk. I got up, packed everything and went for a walk. I was over the clouds. The rippling water was lapping. The big rocks were crashed by the waves. The big palm leaves were rustling and the most beautiful and stunning was the crimson hue of setting sun dipping in the glistry water.

When we were walking, we saw a man was drowning. The tand body of life guards came to save the man. Thank God the he was safe. When I went ahead, I saw a dark outline of bobbing boats. As I took another step, I smelled the stinky sent of dead fish and foul smell of garbage.

I told to my family to go back. I was feeling very relaxed and pleased. i had visited a beautiful place after a long time.

WRITTER- TANUJ JAIN[4 and a half out of 5] Smile

Save Tigers

He was shocked and stunned. Kabir saw the advertisement where it was mentioned that only 1411 tigers are left in India. He was very sad that our national animal is endangered!
He rushed to the kitchen to inform his mother. She was equally stunned and shocked. She told kabir to find some information on the internet. He found that most of the tigers are hunted for their skin. In one site he found out that Ranthambore national park was a tiger preserve park. He told his parents that he wanted to visit the park in his summer holidays. His parents agreed. Soon they were ready to go. They took a flight to Jaipur and went to Ranthambore by car. They stayed in a resort close to the park.
After resting for sometime kabir could not stop himself. He went to his parents and told them that he was going into the forest. His parents did not take him seriously and thought he would not go. But kabir was already in the jungle with his camera. He saw snakes, monkeys and a deer but could no spot even one tiger. He had heard that tigers go to the pond to find their prey. Kabir hid behind a bush. He saw three tigers. He got so excited that he came out and started clicking photos. The tiger saw him and raced towards him. He ran for his life. While when his parents found him missing they thought he must have gone in the jungle. They immediately informed the forest officials. There, kabir was running for his life. One officer saw him. He hid behind a bush and as kabir was passing he caught kabir. Then kabir was sent to the head office from where his parents fetched him. He enjoyed the next few days he spent there and after returning he opened a save the tigers club.
By- krishi shah- 6

A message from Earth

“Zing! Hello Zing! This is agent 19OXB37901 speaking. I landed on earth a few hours back. I landed in a place where everything was green. The computer told me that it was known as a ‘forest’. Many strange creatures lived in it. Few could fly and they were called birds and a very strange creature named fish always stayed in water. They were so colorful. I saw a creature who had 2 eyes, 2 ears, 1 nose and a mouth. So weird. We have 20 eyes and they only have two!!!!! They wore a turban, a strange garment called dhoti and another strange one called kurta. How funny they looked. I heard a beep from the computer that I was in India and those creatures were called humans. Funny name!! I heard a loud noise and behind me was was a huge grey animal called elephant. It had a tremendously long nose. It followed me!!! I ran till the spaceship and immediately locked the door. And ZOOM!!! I was out of earth. It was a nice experience. Earth is a place with kind people and strange living things!!!

-Krish Shah

Thursday, March 3, 2011

AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A MOBILE PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Tuesday, March 1, 2011

picture composition

An Unhygienic Food Centre
“Ouch my stomach is aching. I can’t bear this” I grumbled to the doctor. Tears rolled down my cheeks.
It was a bright sunny afternoon; Raj and his mother were walking. His mother had just picked him up from the school. Hunger pangs soon hit Raj and he insisted his mother that they should stop by the neighbourhood restaurant and have food. The good food centre was poor in the record of hygiene. It was overrun with rats and infested with cockroaches. Stray cats frequently roamed about the food centre as they were attracted by food craps left behind by the customers. Houseflies and mosquitoes also hovered in and around. In spite of all this, the food centre provided good food at reasonable rates. As Raj was terribly hungry, he ordered a plate of noodles and lemonade. His mother was not hungry and so she just ordered coffee. Raj polished up the plate of noodles and gulped down the lemonade within 10 minutes. Then he gave a burp of satisfaction.
Barely 15 minutes had passed and Raj got a queasy feeling in his stomach. When they were returning home, Raj ran to the drain and threw up. He complained of severe stomach ache. His concerned mother took him to the clinic. After examining Raj the doctor said that Raj’s food poisoning was very severe. Apart from food poisoning the boy suffered from vomiting, diarrhoea and terrible stomach ache. His mother took him to the emergency unit of the hospital. The doctor had his stomach pumped to remove the contaminated food particles. He gave Raj vaccination, prescribed some medication and Raj was admitted in the hospital for 4 days. The next day, Raj’s mother lodged a complaint against the Department of Health for the unhygienic food at the Good Food Centre. Health experts were sent to the food centre to conduct a checking. When the health inspectors found that the entire food centre was infected with pests and was very dirty they ordered the manager of the food centre to close the food centre and clean it up thoroughly or else their license to operate an eating establishment would be revoked.
The food centre was closed for 2 weeks and when it was re opened, it was sparkling clean. The entire spick and span area and improved dining area proved to be a hit with the customers. Most importantly those who ate at the food centre did not suffer from any disease
Mahika Kotecha
CNMS School
Std: -6

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Association with Kinnari Cultural Centre

With great pleasure, I would also like to inform you that Tejal Creative Writing Classes is going to be associated with KINNARI CULTURAL CENTRE. It is a NGO which runs hobby classes in South Mumbai. The income generated is used to finance the education of underprivileged kids.

Kinnari Cultural Centre is situated next to Tata garden, Breach Candy, South Mumbai. Please do pass on the information to your friends and relative if they are interested in enhancing their child’s English creative writing skills.

Exam Circular

EXAM 2010-2011



THE EXAMS HELD ON 23.1.2011 AND 5.2.2011

This exam was a tool to gauge the level of understanding of the students – what we teach and what is the output on paper, what is understood and digested – well enough to put it in practice in their writing skills.


As we checked the papers, it was indeed heartening to note that the training of the past 6 months has greatly influenced the students writing skills. Their expression of ideas has improved greatly, with the usage of thesaurus and vocabulary taught in the classes.

The aim of TEJAL’S CREATIVE WRITING CLASSES is to enable the child to spell out his thoughts in a clear, logical sequence of ideas, adding a touch of imagination in fluent language. I FEEL WE HAVE SUCCEDED IN THIS TO A CERTAIN EXTENT.

In continuance with our efforts, in the direction of flowering the writing skills of our students, we will now be conducting –



The exam will be conducted in September and January. It will be compulsory for the students to appear for the exam. On passing out, they will be awarded certificates.

We believe that these exams will go a long way in fulfilling every parents desire to see the child’s writing skills flourish. Passing each level will enable each child to cross the obstacles of self doubt and hesitation and MAKE WRITING A JOY.


Parents do visit our blog www.livelaughlearnwithtejal.blogspot or google Tejal Mehta’s Creative Writing Classes. All our students’ exemplary work and photographs have been posted. We will greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions.

My mother

Mothers are our best friends. She helps us in everything we do. God has made

mothers to take care of children. Even my mother is very caring. Her name is


My mother takes care of everyone in my family. When my grandfather

slipped in the washroom as the ground was wet, he got a hand problem. He

could not lift up his hand. Then my mother asked him to do hand exercises and

touch the ceiling. Day after day he kept on doing and this is how now he can lift

his hand properly. She has a very jovial and cheerful nature. She is a very good

painter,and interior designer. She has designed my brother’s, my sister's and my

study table. She has won many gold medals. Every year her sister and she

play Navratri in school and win First Prize. She is the one who has taught us

good morals of Life. Because of her knowledge and intelligence we could achieve and learn many new things.

I am very thankful to God to give me such a loving,affectionate,polite,tolerant,

considerate and understanding mother. My mother is the best mother in the

whole world.


In our life many people play an important role, first are our parents and then our teacher.

They not only make us play but also teach us good habits and make us good human

beings. They also impart knowledge to us. My favourite teacher is Kavita Miss.

She is very sincere and dedicated towards her work.Before she came in our school

we were only taught Art & nothing else. But when she came she was so hardworking and

industrious that we were taught craft, fabric painting and many more things.

In class she never shouts at us. if ever we do not understand something, she affectionately

calls us & explains it to us. Her approach towards all the children in class is very loving

and that is why we all are very fond of her.She is very tolerant to us as whenever we throw

tantrums or misbehave in class she is always calm and patient.She is also very sweet &

cool tempered.

We have a lot of fun on trips because of her cheerful and jovial nature. She

also has a good sense of humor.

I am very happy & lucky to get a teacher like her who is very kind.compassionate,

generous and warm hearted.She is a true Angel.


letter describing a trek

Dear Aashna,

Yesterday it was an amazing experience at Sanjay Gandhi National Park. I would like to share a few exciting moments with you.

Our departure from school was at 8.30 a.m. by bus and we reached there at 9.30 a.m. At first when we saw the monkeys we got scared and excited because some of the monkeys had jumped on our bus. After we got out of our bus, the teachers gave us some instructions. We walked a little & soon reached the Kaneri Caves where we saw carved paintings. We took our lunch near a river.

My mother had given me two boxes of Maggi noodles, one for my friends and the other for me. We all shared our lunch with each other. It was nearly a 3.5 km trek.We all were so tired that we could not stand on our feet. But after lunch when our teacher allowed us to get wet in the nearby spring, we shrieked out with joy.The feel of water on our body relieved all our stress. We played andsplashed water on each other,we all were fully soaked with water.It was a thrilling experience.After the bath we felt as fresh as flowers & now we were ready to move on.

The journey back to the bus was not so tiring as we were so eager to reach home. In the bus we sang songs,plated games like Dumb charades and talked a lot. We reached school at 4.30 p.m. The minute our bus stopped all the children let out a high pitched whoop of joy.This was my best knowledgeable & exciting trek till date.

I wished even you would be there than i would have had more fun. Ihope that next year you will also join us and make it more joyful than what it was this year. Give my regards to Uncle and Aunty.

Your Loving Friend


Admissions 2011-12

It is very heartening to note that many of our students have excelled in composition writing and won a number of certificates for the same from schools and other institutions. The curriculum for this year is prepared with the intention to make creative writing more fun and innovative. It will make the students very comfortable while attempting any topic under the sun.

Keeping in mind these dynamic changes, the next year’s fee structure will be as follows:

  • Rs 9500 for 35 turns

The above amount includes the following expenses:

  • Class fees
  • Level 1 exam, report card and certificate
  • Level 2 exam, report card and certificate
  • A file
  • Researched, typed and Xeroxed worksheets
  • Xeroxed exam papers of various schools

A non-refundable registration fee of Rs 250 will be charged at the time of the exams.

Please send in a cheque of Rs 9500 dated April 1st 2011 in the name of Tejal Mehta, latest by 27th February. After which the vacancies will be filled with the waiting list students. Please note only if prior intimation of one day in advance is given will make up turns be allowed. There will be no refund at the end of the year. The onus will be on the parents to remember and complete the missed out turns.


Summer Camp

Summer Camp 2011

Parents will be delighted to know that we will be organizing a READING CLUB for our students this summer in answer to the parents persistent demand to create a reading habit in the children.



The sessions will be focused on reading skills, related writing skills and games to make the summer camp exciting. It will be a 2 hour class from Monday to Friday. The last day will include a ten minute session of prize distribution. The camp timings will be from 3 pm to 5 pm. The dates are as under :

Juniors: 10-12 years -April 18th to 22nd/May 2nd to 6th

Seniors: 13-15 years -April 25th to 29th/May 23rd to 27th

The summer camp fees are - Rs 1000 to be paid by end of February. Incase you are unable to attend the camp after payment, prior intimation of 15 days is required, for a refund of Rs 800.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Picture Composition (C.N.M.School – of a boy and girl working somewhere and another boy bading goodbye.)

‘How dreadful and distressing their life must be! I exclaimed to myself on seeing the dull and gloomy face of the children working in Brijwasi, opposite my school. I waved goodbye to my darling mother. I felt downcast and very unhappy when I saw them struggling. Their blank expression made my heart heavy.

When I was going to my house I waved goodbye to my friend Monika.

As I bid her goodbye, I could hear the crashing noise of vessels. That was Rani who was scrubbing her soft palms, washing the dirty vessels. Then I even saw Raja making something. I felt sad on seeing their stressful faces. When I went and asked them what the matter was, they said that they had no parents, worked in Brijwasi the whole day.

I could not see even a light of happiness on their gloomy faces. Rani who looked pretty had now become an ugly girl. Her hair was disheveled and she looked pale. Her clothes were worn out. Raja was dull. He wore clothes which were stitched with rags. Childhood is a stage when we have fun with friends. It is the real beauty of life. Here you have the freedom to do whatever we want. After growing up when we think of childhood we just lose ourselves in thoughts. It is the most essential stage of life. When we recollect childhood memories we tend to laugh and tears of happiness roll down our cheeks.

Due to poverty, Raja and Rani can’t afford to study. They are those children who face the difficult stages of life. They lack knowledge. In childhood, the treasure of life is knowledge. If they would have even gained a bit of knowledge in childhood they would have been studying in Orphanages instead of giving up their childhood. Even after independence there are thousands of children suffering. Whatever we learn in childhood, no one can ever try to steal it away. It is always said that ‘knowledge gained can never be lost’.

Their daily work even affects their health. They don’t have proper shelters and their life is destroyed. It is not feasible for a child to work during the growing period. They don’t get milk so their bones and muscles are weak. This could cause severe consequences and even affect their health. Their metal tension and stress could lead to many problems. Their life is useless.

These are the children who have missed their childhood. They don’t the meaning of ‘life’. Thanks to God that their physical and mental strength have given them the power to face the ups and downs of life bravely. Let’s promise ourselves to give them the freedom to live, to educate and lead them a happy life. I will help Raja and Rani to lead a better life.


‘What a spectacular airport it is!' I exclaimed with awe . I was as cheerful as lark and was over the moon.

It was a bright morning and the time was 6:30 am. It was two weeks after the summer vacation and I had been busy packing my luggage as DAD had announced that we were visiting THAILAND, SINGAPORE and MALAYSIA. I was exultant and was brimming with joy. Soon we reached the international airport.

As soon as I stepped out of the taxi, a rush of warm air greeted us. Due to excitement I quickened my pace and brought a trolley. we entered inside after the security checked our passports and we were welcomed by an airhostess. It was a grand airport and I could not believe my eyes. I saw people pushing their trolleys filled with luggage. Soon we went to the counter and collected our boarding pass whereas our luggage was dragged by the airport officials.

As it was an international airport I could see various people coming and going to various places. They dressed according the country they belonged. A few smartly dressed men and women in-charge answered the queries of the passengers. I felt pride as so many people from abroad came to visit INDIA. While moving towards the checking of luggage I could see people standing with banners at the arrival hall outside. There were butterfly feelings and tears of joy on people’s face as they were meeting after long time. There were emotions on everyone’s face whether boarding or de-boarding. Some took blessings, by touching feet.

We reached the checking area. We as well our luggage was thoroughly checked by the numerous x-ray machines. Soon there was announcement that KINGFISHER 1012 was delayed due to some problem for 2 hours. I was despondent but however I recovered as it was my first visit and I could examine the airport carefully. The lounge was brightly lit up and tastefully decorated. There were languages of confusion and looks of misunderstanding on people’s face. There was huge screens displaying the arrival and departure of flights and at the same time announcements at regular intervals were made. I could see children playing with trolleys, men watching cricket game, while some waiting for their flights. I was thoroughly impressed on hearing the polite tone of an official at the airport explaining the confused passengers.

When I went further I was terrified on seeing throng of people at the duty free shops. I took my father there and bought a souvenir for myself. There were many others small gifts shops containing airport stacked books, toys and chocolates. Suddenly my mouth started watering by smells of coffee, fried food and cinnamon buns from cafeteria. There were rats in my stomach so I had sandwich and cold drink from the restaurants.

There was only thirty minutes left for our departure so we did not roam further. When I sat I saw the sky train terminal. Soon we sat in the bus. We heard the zooming of airplanes as they took off the runway. There were lights flashing on tips of the wings of the plane. There were counter of various airlines. I could see small lorries with luggage carrying to various planes. Now there were no limit to my excitement. Finally after the two hours delay we stopped inside the plane. Luckily I got the window seat so the view was spectacular. Traveling first time in a international flight was awesome.

-Navya Mehta


“Save me! Save me! My ears were poisoned by the cries of men. I was petrified and a chill ran down my spine when I saw him.

It was raining very heavily. Though the showers of rain covered the shortage of water in cities facing water scarcity but it’s consequences were bad. Once again a common feature had hit India in southern parts.

The Mithi River had overflowed its banks causing floods in low-lying areas. It was a dreadful scene. The village looked as if it was an island surrounded by a vast sea. Our bus suddenly stopped. We were told to get off the bus. We had to cross the river in boats. The climate was horrifying and everybody panicked with fear. We could see that many people clung onto the trees as floods had entered their shelters. There were helpless victims raising cries.

I told the rescuer that there was a man little far who was crying for help. While going there I saw the carcasses floating on river. I gave a loud scream ‘Aaaaaah! Aaaaaah!’ I was scared out of wits and was quacking with fear. The man was rescued in the end but his family had died. He was shaking from head to feet. I could see food packages thrown from a helicopter. The forceful current of the stormy water had carried away animals like cows, buffaloes and dogs which were the lifeline of some people. The water had Created havoc. It had submerged streets and homes, houses were collapsed and huts were destroyed. After the water had receded people moved rendered homeless. Many of them had lost their near and dear ones and the trees were uprooted. The people were in great distress. The natural calamity had also destroyed the fields and farms.

Floods had even attacked Mumbai on 26 July, 2005. It had created a lot of mess. Floods in Mumbai were even caused due to blockage of drainage systems and sewage. Our minor mistake could lead to several calamities as well as consequences.

-Navya Mehta

Bomb in the train

“My child! My child! ” The lady exclaimed. She was heart-broken and cried madly.

It was evening when I caught the train to Delhi. I was elated to see my dear city. I was stretching myself on the birth. On reaching Kota the train was filled to capacity. I was completely bored as my all time friend's [mobile] battery was down, so exchanged pleasantries with the person next to me. I played 'X' and 'O' with her daughter.

She was going to get down at Meerut. She was a very kind-hearted person but her husband had gone to the heaven. Suddenly a man entered. He looked suspiciously at all of us. He was sitting in the compartment next to mine. He had just got a small bag and had adjusted down his seat. While playing my pen fell down and I went to pick it up. Suddenly I heard a strange noise. And, when I looked down, I saw it was a BOMB!!! I was terrified and pulled the chain. I told everyone to escape as there was a bomb. Everyone were out. But the poor granny was sobbing badly as her daughter was inside. She had almost fainted. I plucked up courage and went in. I cold see that the little girl was injured badly. I ran towards the girl.

I carried her and ran as fast as I could and in no time there was a big sound. The compartment had shattered into piece. For a moment I could feel the warmth and my skin was burning. It felt like a disaster like Tsunami. It was our destiny to be safe.

The old granny and her sweet daughter thanked me from the bottom of their heart. The girl was infinitely safe and secure. Another train arrived and we reached our destination safely.

-Navya Mehta

Project on Space


I took the morning newspaper and read the headlines “WATER FOUND ON MARS”. I was shocked and just stared at the headlines. I could not believe my eyes even after splashing cold water on my face.

My dad told me that the video of “WATER ON MARS” was shone on T.V. NASA had sent a satellite two years ago on which must have reached there. I wanted to do research about it on the internet as we had a project on it. I found a lot of beautiful pictures on websites. I immediately saved the video and pictures about solar system on water on mars etc. for our project. I was so excited that I called my friends.

I was very happy but there was a problem. We had to even make a model. We immediately decided to meet at one of my friend’s place. We needed a lot of co-operation. Two of them went down to bring materials. Two of the people who were good in their language skills made a brilliant speech and by that time, one of my friends and I planned the model and a chart. By then the material was brought. Without resting for a while we began to start our model. We divided our work so that we could do it quickly.

We had not finished until night. The next day the model was brought carefully. The speech we made impressed most of the judges. The results were declared on Wednesday. They had announced it on the school ground. First the result of 6 standard was announced and then ours. They announced the prizes from consolation from first. The most unexpected thing was that all the prizes were from our class. Consolation prize to group C; third prize to group E; second prize to group A and first prize to group B, that was our group. We were called to ground to collect our certificates and our photo was to come in the magazine.

When I returned home I was feeling very proud of myself and was in the seventh heaven. We had worked very hard on it and this was our GIFT!!!!

-Navya Mehta

A burglar

A Burglar
" Thank you Mr. Stilton . The prestigous Pink Panther diamond will be the centre of attraction at our museum ," Mr. J.K. Colette said . He was euphoric and excitement was dancing in the pupil of his eye .
It was the month of January in 2010 . An atmosphere of excitement spread through the city of San Fransisco as huge crowds visited the musuem to gaze at the precious diamond .
At the dead of night , a big burly man entered the museum tip - toed , and hid behind a pair of marble statues .
The next day , when the guards were securing the priceless diamond , the burly man put his plan into action . With the help of a touch - screen remote , he controlled a hi - end gadget that drove itself steadily towards the diamond .
With the sophisticated remote grabber , the diamond was removed from its holder and replaced with a replica . Then , he steered the hi - fi rover towards him . The robber thought that the guards did not even notice all this happening right under their nose !!!
The burglar was on cloud nine when the crystal - clear diamond reached his evil hands . Suddenly , there was a siren ringing at a distance .
Soon , the High Alert Security burst into the museum , with machine guns all ready to shoot .The burglar was handcuffed and led to the cruiser .
He later learnt that one of the guards had spotted him and pressed an alarm on his communicator to inform the police .
The burglar was sent to prison for 17 years for plotting to steal the Pink Panther . He regretted this incident .

-Navya Mehta

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Class Teacher

My class teacher

“ The best class teacher award goes to Miss Ketki ”, announced the principal. I jumped

With joy and I knew that she deserved it. I rushed across the room to congratulate her.

Miss Ketki Kamat or “ Ketki miss ”as

she is fondly called by students has been in our

school for a good 25 years. Other teachers have come and gone but Ketki miss has made a lasting impression in our minds by her sincerity,

loyalty and beliefs.

Ketki miss looks impressive in her “salwar kamiz”. She is tall, neat and attractive.

Students follow her like bees follow flowers

She is compassionate, warm and always has

a kind word. No wonder this soft spoken lady

is liked by students, parents and teachers alike.

Ketki miss breezed into our class this June stating that she would be our class teacher

and that she would be teaching us maths and

science. My heart skipped a beat and I gave a gasp. I wanted to make a lasting impression in

my class teacher’s mind ; I wanted to do

so well in these subjects. Ketki miss soon melted

my fears away by her expert knowledge and

sound teaching. I was fascinated by her method

of teaching. She made the difficult Nervous

system so simple as she unfolded colourful

powerpoint slides to teach us. Soon maths

sums and formulae became my favourite topics.

That is how Miss Ketki is! While the other teachers used the boring blackboard, Ketki

Miss uses modern technology, fun methods

And involves us students in every aspect of

fun learning.

Teachers are our friends, philosophers and

guides. The school is said to be our home as teachers are a role model whom we have to

follow. A teacher is like a second mother as

she shapes our personality as a potter shapes

a pot. We are like clay in her hand. We can learn a lot from them. I am fortunate to have a teacher like Ketki miss and she is my favourite teacher.

She is the best teacher I have ever come across.


My class teacher

“ The best class teacher award goes to Miss Ketki ”, announced the principal. I jumped

With joy and I knew that she deserved it. I rushed across the room to congratulate her.

Miss Ketki Kamat or “ Ketki miss ”as

she is fondly called by students has been in our

school for a good 25 years. Other teachers have come and gone but Ketki miss has made a lasting impression in our minds by her sincerity,

loyalty and beliefs.

Ketki miss looks impressive in her “salwar kamiz”. She is tall, neat and attractive.

Students follow her like bees follow flowers

She is compassionate, warm and always has

a kind word. No wonder this soft spoken lady

is liked by students, parents and teachers alike.

Ketki miss breezed into our class this June stating that she would be our class teacher

and that she would be teaching us maths and

science. My heart skipped a beat and I gave a gasp. I wanted to make a lasting impression in

my class teacher’s mind ; I wanted to do

so well in these subjects. Ketki miss soon melted

my fears away by her expert knowledge and

sound teaching. I was fascinated by her method

of teaching. She made the difficult Nervous

system so simple as she unfolded colourful

powerpoint slides to teach us. Soon maths

sums and formulae became my favourite topics.

That is how Miss Ketki is! While the other teachers used the boring blackboard, Ketki

Miss uses modern technology, fun methods

And involves us students in every aspect of

fun learning.

Teachers are our friends, philosophers and

guides. The school is said to be our home as teachers are a role model whom we have to

follow. A teacher is like a second mother as

she shapes our personality as a potter shapes

a pot. We are like clay in her hand. We can learn a lot from them. I am fortunate to have a teacher like Ketki miss and she is my favourite teacher.

She is the best teacher I have ever come across.

-Dhruv Shah